Introducing HUP
Following Anna’s trip to the Ukrainian-Polish border in March, we have kept busy coordinating relief with our friend, Pawel Mierzwa, on the ground in Krakow supplying Max and his group near the border at Korczowa. In addition to the day to day relief efforts, Anna has partnered with Ethan Evans and Joanna Callahan to formalize our efforts so that we can further scale our impact. With this in mind, we have created a 501 (c)(3) organization called HUP (Help Ukrainian People). Our friend and lawyer, Roger Kohn of Symbios Law Group, generously provided his services pro bono to set up the organization and we are tremendously grateful for everyone’s efforts so far.
The mission of HUP is simple - to provide immediate relief to Ukrainian families that have been displaced and to supply its defenders with non-lethal aid.
You all have made a massive impact so far. Let’s continue to focus on helping as many Ukrainian people as we possibly can. To learn more about Anna’s initial journey to the border, you can read more here.