The Fight Continues
Today, Putin petulantly cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria, using energy as a tool of blackmail in an attempt to sow division among the the European coalition supporting Ukraine. It won’t work. For every act of Russian cynicism and destruction there are multiple acts of optimism and construction in service of Ukraine. Putin’s strategy is inevitably bound to lose and that conclusion is evident in the continued support of Ukraine, such as through Help Ukrainian People’s contributors and volunteers.
Since Anna came back from the border in March, we have established the non-profit, and we have raised a further $10,510 via donations on While we wait for an official IRS determination letter of our 501(c)(3) status which can take up to 8 months, we have also set up a fiscal sponsor so that we can accept larger donations form organizations that require such designation. Yes, we’ve been learning a lot recently about what’s required to start and run a non-profit organization. Details aside, what still remains true is our commitment to seeing every dollar raised go directly to those Ukrainians that need it the most.
In addition to forming and now operating the non-profit, we have continued to provide direct support to Max and IMES. Just today, 9 new suitcases of aid arrived in Poland that will be taken to the border on Friday. This time, it was Pawel’s brother who brought them over from Los Angeles. And, once again, the incredible staff at Lufthansa graciously agreed to allow the cases to travel for free.
Lastly, Anna has booked her next trip to the border in July. This time, she’ll be taking our soon-to-be 14 year old daughter, Maja, to work with her. In doing so, aside from an extra pair of hands, we of course hope that it will shape Maja’s outlook on the world - to be in service of something bigger than herself, to be unafraid to take action when felt compelled, even when others are hesitant - let her conscience be her guide.
If you are reading this and your conscience is leading you to think you ought to go to the border too to help, just let us know!